
Sole proprietorship in Abu Dhabi

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Sole proprietorship in Abu Dhabi

In UAE, a business owned and operated by a single individual, with the trade license issued in their name, is commonly referred to as a Sole Proprietorship. Opting for a Sole proprietorship in Abu Dhabi is a suitable choice when your business is relatively small, and the capital investment is minimal.

However, it’s important to note that, unlike a Limited Liability Company (LLC), the owner of a Sole Establishment bears full responsibility for all business liabilities and financial obligations.

For businesses engaging exclusively in professional services without extending into commercial activities, there are exemptions from the provisions of the UAE Commercial Companies Law (CCL). These establishments are still required to obtain licensing from the relevant Emirate’s Department of Economic Development (DED).

This business structure offers flexibility and ownership options, making it an appealing choice for those looking to establish a presence in the UAE, particularly in the realm of professional services.

Key features of Sole proprietorship in UAE

Sole proprietorships in Abu Dhabi possess distinctive features that set them apart. Here are the key characteristics:

Qualification Requirement

The owner must possess relevant scientific qualifications pertinent to the chosen business activity.

Single Management

A sole proprietorship is managed by a single individual, and there is no possibility of shared ownership or management.

No Minimum Capital

Unlike some business structures, there is no minimum capital requirement for establishing a sole proprietorship in Abu Dhabi.

Relevant Business Name

The chosen business name must be pertinent to the nature of the business activity.

Branch Operations

Sole proprietorships are permitted to establish branches that can undertake all operations covered by the parent company’s license.

Nationality Requirements

While individuals of any nationality can operate as sole merchants in Abu Dhabi, they are required to demonstrate their professional qualifications. Foreign investors can engage a commercial agent to represent them in lone trader business activities. The local company formation agent can be particularly valuable for professionals in fields such as medicine or engineering when seeking to establish their presence in the Emirate.

These features make sole proprietorship in UAE a distinct business optioni, with certain ownership restrictions and qualification requirements that are essential to understand when considering this business structure.

How to register a Sole proprietorship in Abu Dhabi?

Registering a sole proprietorship involves a series of steps to ensure proper establishment. Here’s a concise breakdown of the registration process:

  • Selecting a Business Name: The first step is to choose a distinctive business name that is directly related to your enterprise. The selected name must be unique and not already in use by another business.
  • Determining Legal Structure: In the case of a sole proprietorship, you will need to confirm the legal structure as a sole proprietor.
  • Seek Initial Approval: Obtain initial approval from the Department of Economic Development. This approval serves as a crucial permission to initiate the registration process for your business.
  • Securing Additional Approvals: Depending on the nature of your business, you may need approvals from other relevant government departments or authorities.
  • Form Submission: Proceed to register your business by completing the necessary application form and submitting it along with the required documents.
  • License Application: After the successful registration of your sole proprietorship, you can apply for the appropriate business license.

Following these steps diligently ensures the proper and lawful establishment of your sole proprietorship in Abu Dhabi.


Starting a sole proprietorship company in Abu Dhabi offers numerous advantages, making it an attractive choice for entrepreneurs. Here are some key benefits:

  • Complete Ownership and Accountability: A sole proprietorship in Abu Dhabi provide investors with full ownership and sole accountability for both profits and losses. This structure allows for direct control over business operations.
  • Access to Free Trade Zones: Sole traders can establish their businesses in Abu Dhabi’s free trade zones, providing additional flexibility and incentives for foreign entrepreneurs.
  • Diverse Business Opportunities: Entrepreneurs in Abu Dhabi can explore various industries, including medical, information technology, financial management, and consulting services. This diversity of sectors offers ample business opportunities.
  • Foreign Investment: Foreign individuals have the opportunity to invest in Abu Dhabi as sole traders under their own names, facilitating ease of entry and business setup.
  • Choice of Office Location: There are no restrictions on the location where the company can rent or acquire office space, offering flexibility in selecting a strategic business location.

Documentation needed for the establishment of a sole proprietorship in Abu Dhabi

  • A copy of the shareholder’s passport
  • UAE residence visa copy(if applicable)
  • Proof of education, professional qualification, or experience (if required)
  • A copy of General Manager’s passport
  • Copies of General Manager’s proofs of address
  • One copy of the CV for the General Manager
  • A copy of the bank reference or professional letter for the General Manager

It’s crucial to note that these documents might vary. Also they must be properly attested and notarized to meet the necessary legal requirements for business setup in Abu Dhabi.

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