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Professional company

Setting up a professional company in Sharjah is a strategic move for entrepreneurs and professionals looking to establish a strong business presence in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). With its investor-friendly policies and strategic location, Sharjah offers an attractive environment for businesses to thrive. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the key steps and benefits of professional company setup in Sharjah.

Understanding Professional Company Setup in Sharjah

A professional company setup in Sharjah refers to the establishment of a legal entity that allows individuals with specific professional qualifications and expertise to provide professional services within the Emirate of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (UAE). These professional services can encompass a wide range of fields, including but not limited to:

  • Legal Consultancy: Lawyers and legal consultants can establish professional firms to provide legal advice, representation, and related services.
  • Medical Practice: Healthcare professionals such as doctors, dentists, and pharmacists can set up medical clinics, hospitals, or specialized medical facilities.
  • Engineering Services: Engineers and engineering consultants can offer various engineering services, including design, planning, and project management.
  • Accounting and Auditing: Certified public accountants (CPAs) and auditors can provide accounting, auditing, and financial advisory services.
  • Architectural Services: Architects can establish firms to offer architectural design, planning, and construction-related services.
  • Consulting Services: Professionals from diverse fields, including management, IT, and human resources, can provide consulting services to businesses.

Key Benefits of business setup in UAE

100% Ownership

One of the significant advantages of establishing a professional company in Sharjah is that foreign investors can own 100% of the business. There is no requirement for local sponsorship or a UAE national partner, giving you full control over your venture.

Tax Benefits

Sharjah offers various tax benefits, including no corporate income tax and no personal income tax. This favorable tax environment can significantly boost the profitability of your professional company setup in Sharjah.

Strategic Location

Situated on the eastern coast of the UAE, Sharjah provides easy access to both the local market and the broader Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region. Its proximity to key commercial centers like Dubai and Abu Dhabi makes it an ideal location for business expansion.

Robust Infrastructure

Sharjah boasts modern infrastructure, state-of-the-art facilities, and a well-developed transportation network. This infrastructure supports the smooth operation and growth of businesses in the region.

Steps to Set Up a Professional Company in Sharjah

  • Determine Your Business Activity:Identify the specific professional services you intend to offer through your company. Ensure that your qualifications align with the chosen activity.
  • Choose a Business Name:Select a unique and relevant business name for your professional company setup in Sharjah. Ensure that it complies with the naming conventions and regulations in UAE.
  • Obtain Initial Approval:Seek initial approval from the Department of Economic Development (DED) in Sharjah for your business setup in UAE. This step is crucial before proceeding with the formal registration process for business setup in UAE.
  • Prepare Necessary Documents:Gather the required documentation, which typically includes passport copies of shareholders and managers, proof of qualifications, a no-objection certificate (NOC), and other relevant paperwork.
  • Lease Office Space:Secure a physical office space for your business setup in UAE. The minimum space requirement may vary depending on your business activity, so be sure to check the specific requirements.
  • Memorandum of Association (MOA):Draft and notarize the Memorandum of Association (MOA) for your professional company. The MOA outlines the company’s structure, objectives, and shareholder details.
  • Licensing and Approvals:Apply for the necessary licenses and approvals from relevant government authorities and regulatory bodies. This may include licenses from the Sharjah Health Authority, Ministry of Justice, or other relevant entities, depending on your profession.
  • Registration and Fees:Register your professional company with the DED in Sharjah and pay the required registration fees. The fees may vary depending on the type of professional services you offer.
  • Commence Business Operations:-Once you have obtained all the necessary approvals and licenses, you are ready to commence your professional services in Sharjah.

At LINKS CORPORATE CONSULTANTS, we are dedicated to assisting businesses and entrepreneurs in establishing their presence in Sharjah. We provide comprehensive support and guidance throughout the entire process of business setup, ensuring compliance with all regulations and delivering top-notch support services. Our team of experienced advisors specializes in company formation in Sharjah, applying their expertise to ensure your business establishes a solid foundation in UAE.

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