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Professional company formation in abu dhabi

A Professional Company formation in Abu Dhabi implies that it is a business structure designed for individuals or groups of professionals who wish to provide specialized services in fields such as medicine, law, engineering, consulting, and more.

Professional company formation in Abu Dhabi stands out due to its specialization in catering to licensed professionals, its flexibility in ownership and management, and its alignment with the unique needs of professionals in various fields. This business structure provides an excellent platform for professionals to offer their specialized services while benefiting from the advantages of operating within the UAE’s dynamic business landscape.

Benefits of Professional Company Formation in Abu Dhabi

Foreign professionals can have 100% ownership of their business. This is a departure from some other business structures in the UAE, which may require local sponsorship. These professionals have full control over the management and operation of their company. They can make decisions independently, enabling them to provide services efficiently.

Professional companies do not have a minimum capital requirement, making it accessible to a wide range of professionals.

Abu Dhabi serves as an excellent gateway to the UAE market. With its strategic location, professionals can tap into the vast opportunities available not only in the emirate but also across the entire UAE. Another crucial benefit of professional company formation in Abu Dhabi is that professionals are subjected to minimal taxation.

Steps for Professional Company Formation in Abu Dhabi

Setting up a professional company in Abu Dhabi involves a series of steps to ensure compliance with local regulations and business requirements. Here is an overview of the entire process:

Determine the specific professional activity you wish to engage in. Different activities may require specific licenses and approvals. Obtain all the required licenses and approvals from the relevant regulatory authorities.

Choose a unique trade name for your professional company and register it with the Department of Economic Development (DED) in Abu Dhabi.

Draft and notarize the Memorandum of Association (MOA) for your professional company. This document should outline the company’s activities, ownership structure, and other essential details.  Secure a physical office space that meets the requirements of your professional activity. The office should be located within Abu Dhabi.

Submit your license application along with all required documents to the DED. This includes your MOA, trade name registration, and other supporting documents.

Pay the applicable licensing fees and obtain your professional license from the DED. Register your professional company with the relevant authorities, such as the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Justice, or other pertinent bodies, depending on your field.

Process the necessary visas and immigration requirements for yourself and any employees or partners involved in the company. Open a business bank account in Abu Dhabi to facilitate financial transactions and operations.

Why Choose Professional Company Formation in Abu Dhabi?

Abu Dhabi’s professional company formation offers a multitude of benefits that make it an attractive choice for professionals seeking to establish their presence in the UAE. Here are some compelling reasons why professionals opt for this business structure:

  • Full Control: Professionals can independently manage and operate their businesses, ensuring that they can provide services efficiently and effectively.
  • 100% Ownership: Foreign professionals can enjoy full ownership of their companies, eliminating the need for local sponsorship.
  • Economic Stability: Abu Dhabi boasts a stable economy and is home to various industries, making it an ideal location for professional services.


 A professional company formation in Abu Dhabi offers numerous advantages for individuals and groups of professionals seeking to establish their businesses in the UAE.

Setting up a professional company in Abu Dhabi can be a complex process, especially for individuals who are not familiar with local regulations and procedures. This is where LINKS CORPORATE CONSULTANTS can provide invaluable assistance. Our team of experts specializes in business setup services in the UAE and can guide you through every step of the professional company formation process.

From helping you choose the right business activity to obtaining licenses and ensuring compliance with all legal requirements, LINKS CORPORATE CONSULTANTS ensures a seamless and hassle-free experience. For more details, request a free consultation today!

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